Wednesday, January 23, 2008

When Yabba ended we (mom & dad & I) moved to Las Vegas and bought a house in a suburb of Vegas. I stayed there till I was about eighteen . In the mean time my mom and dad went back to work for the Shrine Circus. I went to visit them when they were in Pueblo Colorado and met Gary, my husband. It was love at first sight for me (he is 6’ blond and blue eyes), years later he told me I scared him to death (you see he was quiet a player) and said I was the nicest person he ever met, and he knew I was going to be his best friend or his wife. I‘d like to think I’m both.
I stayed on the road and worked with my dad in the wire act. My mom was the shows Ring Master (she was one of, if not, the first successful female Ring Masters in the business). Gary and I were married a few years later when our 1st daughter was old enough to go to school we made a decision to get off the road and put her in school. We moved to New York for about a year then moved to Philadelphia we had some good friends from the circus that had moved there and it seemed like a good idea.
A few more years go by my husband went to truck driving school and I was working for the Philadelphia race track taking phone bets. our daughter was in 2nd grade and our second daughter was born. I get a phone call from mom & dad they wanted to buy in an appartmen complex but they were not ready to get off the road and since Gary could drive a truck anywhere they wanted to know if we would like to move to and keep an eye on the apartments for them. I flew down here it looked like a nice place to raise a family, Philadelphia schools were kind of rough, I liked the small town atmosphere. So we moved .
We have been here about thirteen years, mom & dad sold the apartments a few years ago, we bought a house, our son was born back in 95 (I kind of skipped that) he is in Jr. High loves foot ball and is learning to play guitar and going to start martial art classes today. Our oldest daughter graduated collage last may and works as dental assistant she lives with her boyfriend (we love him) they talk about getting married when he graduates. our youngest daughter is 14, she is a freshman in high school and in to everything, she was our city's 2005 Miss Merry Christmas. She is in the school band (trumpet) she is also on the color guard team, drama (just finished a school play of A Year with Frog & Toad) plays Soccer and so also is very involved in church.
I work at a bridal shop selling wedding gowns and this time of the year lots of prom dresses. Obviously Gary is still driving a truck. My dad is kind of retired they he turned 70 in October , he can’t sit still for a minute ,he’s always on the go. My mom and I talk on the phone almost every day she just retired last year. . They just sold their house and bought a new RV they plan on taking it easy and traveling a little. My mom hasn’t changed at all she is still the craziest, sweetest, funniest person I know. They plan on going to Europe in April to see my dad’s family. They are going to drive here and drop off their dog and fly out from here . I can’t wait to see them . This last summer my mom and I took the kids on a road trip to to see her sister. My dad and Gary stayed here with the pets we have 2 dogs 2cats and 2 hamsters.
Well your eyes are probably getting heavy by now and I didn’t want to put you to sleep so I’ll let you go.